The Albemarle County School Board will be discussing revisions to the Athletic Training Rule at this Thursday's meeting. A year after the tragic death of Albemarle HS student Nolan Jenkins and the arrest of dozens of our students for underage drinking at two parties, our staff have come forward with a revised policy, not just for athletics but for all extracurricular activities, that I think is a tremendous improvement. I want to thank the Superintendent's committee that worked so hard on these recommendations and who carefully weighed all the legal, health, and instructional issues.
Download the recommendations
One aspect of the policy that has improved is that we now have a set of graduated consequences that I think will lead to better behaviors, more involvement by parents, and create the opportunity to connect students with intervention resources. A first offense is now a two week suspension from the activity/sport AND participation in a drug/alcohol counseling program can get the student reinstated. There is also an incentive to self-report violations, "students who voluntarily request assistance from school officials in connection with an alcohol, drug or tobacco incident may receive reduced disciplinary consequences under this regulation at the discretion of the principal."
Again, I think this represents significant improvements over current policy. I'd appreciate any feedback from the community in advance of the meeting as that will help inform our discussions.
You may e-mail me at [email protected], or the entire School Board at [email protected]
Brian Wheeler
Here are some highlights from the staff's recommendations which I have copied from the staff report.
The identified beliefs of our Division- in young people, excellence, respect and community- define the important core values that must be inherent in any changes to policy, procedure, and practice, within the parameters of law.
Students learn to meet expectations when they are held to high standards by parents, teachers, coaches and mentors who teach the importance of integrity, apply consequences when necessary, and intervene to provide support if students’ behavior is outside acceptable boundaries. The growth and development over time of young people depends upon committed adults who invest time in teaching and modeling the behaviors and dispositions of good citizens.
Students who participate in athletic and other extracurricular activities also are held through policy, procedure and practice to a high standard of conduct on and off school grounds because they serve as role models for others and they represent their school community in competitions and other public activities.
Training Rule Executive Summary
The proposed revisions include these changes:
- Extension of the procedure to all students who participate in high school extracurricular activities and athletic programs. The procedure does not extend to co-curricular activities for which students receive grades and credits towards graduation.
- The provision of an intervention option for students whose behaviors violate the regulation supports and reinforces their participation in this intervention program. The intervention program addresses risk behaviors involving the use of illegal substances/underage drinking. This option provides a tiered approach for first, second, and third offenses.
- Recognition that students who self-report the need for assistance in addressing issues of underage drinking and/or use of illegal substances should be encouraged through the regulation so that parents and school staff can partner to provide that support.
- Alignment of the regulation with Virginia Code governing parental authority regarding underage consumption of alcohol while under parental supervision has been addressed.
- Maintenance of behavioral consequences for violating the regulation recognizing that logical and natural consequences send appropriate message about expectations and values for student conduct.
- Students and parents will continue to sign a contract in which they agree to abide by the regulation, student self-reporting of violations, and that they understand the consequences of violating the regulation. Parents will not be compelled through their signature to report violations of the regulation by their children. However, it is noted that parents who work with school staff to ensure that their children demonstrate integrity of behavior form partnerships that model good character and citizenship.
Code of Conduct for Athletics and other Extracurricular Activities
VI. Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco [only excerpts shown]
1. First offense in student’s high school-level participation:
a. A minimum of two (2) weeks suspension from participation in athletics or other extracurricular program, including practice and competition...;
b. A student who agrees (with parental consent) to participate in a drug/alcohol counseling and/or assessment program offered at school or at a school-approved community agency may be reinstated to the athletic team or other extracurricular program at the end of the two (2) week period. Any student who does not agree to participate in such counseling and/or assessment program shall be suspended from all athletic teams or other extracurricular programs for thirty (30) days of participation or for the remainder of the season or program, whichever is longer.
2. Second offense in student’s high school-level participation:
a. A minimum of four (4) weeks suspension from participation in athletics or other extracurricular program, including practice and competition...;
b. A student who agrees (with parental consent) to participate in a drug/alcohol counseling and/or assessment program offered at school or at a school-approved community agency may be reinstated to the athletic team or other extracurricular program at the end of the four (4) week period. Any student who does not agree to participate in such counseling and/or assessment program shall be suspended from all athletic teams or other extracurricular programs for thirty (30) days of participation or for the remainder of the season or program, whichever is longer.
3. Third or subsequent offense in student’s high school level participation:
a. Full suspension from all athletic activities and competitions and other extracurricular program for a 365-day period;
4. In cases involving a first or second offense only, students who voluntarily request assistance from school officials in connection with an alcohol, drug or tobacco incident may receive reduced disciplinary consequences under this regulation at the discretion of the principal, provided that the request must come from the student or his/her parents/guardian no later than the first school day after the incident involving the unauthorized use of alcohol, performance enhancing drugs, inhalants or controlled substances of any kind or tobacco.
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