« Notes from 2-11-10 school board meeting - budget & 4x4 block schedules | Main | School Board approves $145.2 million funding request; Needs another $8.8 million in revenues to avoid Tier 2 & 3 cuts »


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Am I interpreting your last section correctly? Albemarle as a community is well able to pay more than it does?

Tandy - I think your statement can be defended by this data from the state comparing all localities. Obviously, individual experience in the community will vary.

Brian Wheeler

I don't envy you your position right now and I thank you for taking this on.

Brian, thank you. Even paying as close attention to these matters as I can and attending meetings at the County fairly regularly, it is wonderful to go to one place to get an easy to understand encapsulation of what is going on.

Thanks, Jim

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