2/7/10 * Daily Progress EDITORIAL [full story]
All this at a time when cooperation — not competition — should be part of the solution for both localities’ budget woes. Greater cooperation — even consolidation of services, such as schools — could save money by eliminating overhead and duplication and creating economies of scale neither could achieve singly.
But some leaders are hinting at reduced cooperation. Whether that’s a deliberate, if veiled, threat or simply an inexorable consequence of the standoff, the result still is likely to be reduced services to the community as a whole or increased costs for those services.
City and county should be coming together, not taking stands that divide.
I saw this article. Actually, I believe it (the conflict over state money)is a good thing.
Maybe something will finally be done about revenue sharing agreement and increased cooperation.
Sometimes things need to get heated before something worthwhile gets done.
Posted by: Jim Jansen | February 07, 2010 at 02:19 PM