I was on the school division's website this afternoon and I came across an interesting survey... Superintendent Pam Moran is seeking feedback on whether the community would be interested in her starting a blog. I quickly filled it out (4 easy questions) and offered my encouragement.
Blogging has been a great communications tool for me and I think Dr. Moran would gain a large online following. As long as there is good content, the ability to comment, and an RSS feed, I think our community would really enjoy this new source of information.
Some of you are reading this message via my e-mail newsletter SchoolMatters. You may not yet consider yourself "bloggers." You are not alone! But "blog" is not a four letter word that should turn you off. When I visit our high school classrooms and ask students if they are bloggers, nobody raises their hands. When I ask if they use the social networking websites like MySpace and Facebook, ALL the hands go up. Like those sites, a blog is just a website that facilitates a two-way communication. Someone posts something, you can leave a comment. In the hands of our educational leaders like Dr. Moran, I call it community and media engagement. I hope you will visit the survey and vote for the topics you would like Dr. Moran to address as she gets her blog up and running.
Brian Wheeler
frankly, I think that every elected official should blog. Why wouldn't the Superintendent want to blog?
Posted by: Jim Duncan | April 09, 2007 at 11:57 AM
Any comments on the Daily Progresses front-page article on Monday titled "UVa study slams schools" http://www.dailyprogress.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=CDP/MGArticle/CDP_BasicArticle&c=MGArticle&cid=1173350757548 ?
Posted by: Silvia | April 18, 2007 at 12:36 PM