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Brian -

Thanks for the post. Is there any consideration in this proposal at all for the proposed elementary school in Crozet?

Jim - This redistricting doesn't directly involve any new schools. Henley's expansion decision in 2003 factored in Crozet's expansion in general per the master plan that was in development at the time. The Crozet Master Plan was not adopted until Dec. 2004, but Crozet was a designated growth area long before being master planned, hence the School Division's approach to be prepared with Henley and a future elementary school in Crozet. The next two elementary schools are currently called #17 and #18 and they will be built in the County in the location they are next needed. The design/construction of elementary school #17 is not expected to begin before 2010. Brownsville is about 110 students under capacity (2004-05 enrollment), so we have seats there to use in the meantime. Brian

Thank you for the quick response and the blog - there just might be something to this open government thing!

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